Monday, July 5, 2010

Another paper published at ECIW

Last week I was at the 9th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security (ECIW 2010) in Thessaloniki, Greece. This is an academic conference, so most of the attendants were also speakers. The information about the proceedings is available here. I hosted the Cyber Conflict mini-track, which consisted of five papers, including mine:

Ottis, R. (2010) Proactive Defence Tactics Against On-Line Cyber Militia. In Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, Thessaloniki, Greece, 01-02 July. Reading: Academic Publishing Limited, p 233-237. [link]

The main idea of my paper was that in order to defeat a loose network of cyber vigilantes (on-line cyber militia), one can potentially adopt a more proactive stance and use various (offensive) information operations. It should be noted that this is only a theoretical exercise, as some of the options considered may be against the laws and regulations of the host country.

If you have any feedback or suggestions for reading material in the similar vein, please let me know.


  1. Thanks to Niels for pointing out the problem with the link. It is fixed now.

  2. Not relating to the topic of this post: I've been following your blog. I was supposed to mail you that research paper we talked about, but then holidays happened right after it was published. Either way, it'll be coming your way very soon.

    -saara from finland

  3. what can you say me about the cyberspace and its relationship with Portugal ??

  4. Hello, I found your paper quite weak. Sorry for saying this. Seems that you do not have imagination on means and strategies that are currently in use by low enforcement. It is not big deal to treat the opponent as a stupid kid and apply clever Sun Tzu philosophy in order to fight "cyberwar". Good luck.

  5. Thanks for the comment.

    If you read the paper, you will find that I am talking about potential things to do when law enforcement options fail or are otherwise not useful. If possible, however, standard law enforcement action should always be used first.

    I also point out in the paper that Sun-Tsu is used to provide a loose framework for the different methods and nothing more.
