Academic peer reviewed publications
- Cardash, S.; Cilluffo, F.; Ottis, R. (2013). Estonia's Cyber Defence League: A Model for the United States? Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 36(9), 777 - 787. [link]
- Gunneriusson, H. and Ottis, R. (2013). Cyberspace from the Hybrid Threat Perspective. Kuusisto, R.; Kurkkinen, E. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security (98 - 105). Reading: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited [link]
- Schmitt, M.N. (Ed.) (2013). Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [link]
- Czosseck, C., Ottis, R. and Talihärm, A.M. (2011) Estonia After the 2007 Cyber Attacks: Legal, Strategic and Organizational Changes in Cyber Security. In Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, Tallinn, Estonia, 7-8 July. Reading: Academic Publishing Limited, p 57-64. [link]
- This paper was reprinted in the Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism, Vol 1, Issue 1, p 24-34.
- Ottis, R. (2011) A Systematic Approach to Offensive Volunteer Cyber Militia. PhD thesis, Tallinn University of Technology.
- Ottis, R. (2011) Theoretical Offensive Cyber Militia Models. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Warfare and Security, Washington DC, USA, 17-18 March. Reading: Academic Publishing Limited, p 307-313. [link]
- Ottis, R. (2010) Proactive Defence Tactics Against On-Line Cyber Militia. In Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, Thessaloniki, Greece, 01-02 July. Reading: Academic Publishing Limited, p 233-237. [link] [blog entry]
- Lorents, P. and Ottis, R. (2010) Knowledge Based Framework for Cyber Weapons and Conflict. In Czosseck, C. and Podins, K. (Eds.) Conference on Cyber Conflict. Proceedings 2010. Tallinn: CCD COE Publications, p 129-142. [link] [blog entry]
- Ottis, R. (2010) From Pitch Forks to Laptops: Volunteers in Cyber Conflicts. In Czosseck, C. and Podins, K. (Eds.) Conference on Cyber Conflict. Proceedings 2010. Tallinn: CCD COE Publications, p 97-109. [link] [blog entry]
- Ottis, R., Lorents, P. (2010) Cyberspace: Definition and Implications. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Warfare and Security, Dayton, OH, US, 8-9 April. Reading: Academic Publishing Limited, p 267-270. [link] [blog entry]
- Lorents, P., Ottis, R., Rikk, R. (2009) Cyber Society and Cooperative Cyber Defence. In Internationalization, Design and Global Development. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5623, p 180-186. [blog entry]
- Ottis, R. (2009) Theoretical Model for Creating a Nation-State Level Offensive Cyber Capability. In Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, Lisbon. Reading: Academic Publishing Limited, p 177-182. [link] [blog entry]
- Ottis, R. (2008) Analysis of the 2007 Cyber Attacks Against Estonia from the Information Warfare Perspective. In Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, Plymouth. Reading: Academic Publishing Limited, p 163-168. [link] [blog entry]
Other academic work
- Czosseck, C., Ottis, R. and Ziolkowski, K. (Eds.) (2012) 2012 4th International Conference on Cyber Conflict. Tallinn: NATO CCD COE Publications.
Other publications
- Ottis, R (2013) Kübersõja küsimärgid ja eripärad. Diplomaatia, 121
- Ottis, R. (2012) Cyber Security Organisation. NATO CCD COE Publications.
- Ottis, R. (2012) Developing the cyber workforce. Defence Global, February, pp 98-99.
- Ottis, R. (2010) The Vulnerability of the Information Society. Futuregov Magazine, August-September, Vol. 7.4, pp 70-72. [large pdf!] [blog entry]
- Ottis, R. (2009) Konfliktid infoajastul - küberründed ja kodanikuühiskond. Akadeemia, Nr 9. [Conflicts in the Information Age - Cyber Attacks and the Citizen Society] [blog entry]
- Ottis, R. (2008) Küberründevõime loomisest. Sõdur, Nr 6. [On creating an offensive cyber capability]
- Ottis, R. (2008) Küberrünnete klassifitseerimine. Sõdur, Nr 3. [On classifying cyber attacks]
- Ottis, R. (2007) Kübersõjast. Sõdur, Nr 3. [On cyber warfare]
- Ottis, R. (2007) Sõjapidamine küberruumis. Sõdur, Nr 1. [Warfare in cyberspace]
- Ottis, R. (2005) Tädi Maali: küberterroristide tankist. Eesti Päevaleht, Riigi Kaitse, 06 December. [Aunt Maali: the patsy for cyber terrorists]